How it works:
The Rollerwall Design Painting and Decorating System consists of two parts:
The first part is a patterned paint roller, which is a 6-inch wide rubber paint roller having a raised pattern embossed on its surface. The second part is an applicator which consists of a frame, a handle, and a special foam feeder roller.
To use it, you simply roll the feeder roller into some paint (any paint, no special glazes needed), snap on a patterned paint roller and you're ready to roll!

As you roll, the surface of the patterned paint roller picks up a thin, uniform layer of paint and deposits it on the wall to print a perfectly uniform pattern.
You cannot run out of paint in the middle of the wall because the foam feeder roller holds enough paint to complete 3 full passes down the wall.
The 1 or 2 color applicator holds enough paint to complete a 10 foot wall. The pattern will never drip - it will look perfectly uniform across the entire wall.

It's easy to do yourself
Decorative painting with Rollerwall is easier than it looks. You don't need artistic skill, and you can do it even if you can't draw a straight line! Just begin in any corner of the room using the corner as your guide. Each pass becomes your guide for the next pass. Allow the passes to overlap slightly - this eliminates the appearance of seams - and watch the pattern unfold before your eyes almost like magic!
There's no need for any measuring, plumb lines or chalk lines because with our Laser Pattern Alignment Guide, you can always keep the pattern perfectly straight. A strip of masking tape protects the ceiling, and a subtle and very distinctive half-inch border creates an attractive framed-in look. All parts are completely washable and re-usable.
You can apply a complete faux-wallpaper look in any room in just one hour.

It's versatile
If you've ever looked through dozens of wallpaper books to find a pattern you like, only to discover that it isn't available in the colors you want, then you're ready for Rollerwall. It works with a wide variety of patterned paint rollers - each of these patterns can be applied using your choice of paint and colors, to easily match any existing decor. Patterns can even be overlapped to create a rich multi-design effect. The possibilities are endless!
Anyone who paints with an ordinary roller can create beautiful wallpaper patterns the very first time.
No experience is necessary!
A lifetime investment
This could be the smartest decorating investment you will ever make. Each patterned paint roller costs about the same as a single roll of wallpaper. But unlike wallpaper, our patterned paint rollers can be re-used with different color combinations as often as you like - they'll never wear out. The money you save in doing your first room will more than pay for the entire investment.
If the concept appeals to you, try it TODAY!
We Guarantee Delightful Results!